2011년 5월 5일 목요일

So many technical difficulties...

5/5 - Still trying to get the website to work

Hope you all had a restful Cinco de Mayo or Children's Day.

As some of you may have noticed, our website, www.dealiciouskorea.com, has been going through some sad sad technical turbulences.

4 things work for sure so far:

1. Creating a DealKo account
2. Logging in with the DealKo account
3. Paypal payment
4. Money transfer

2 very very basic things (out of a gazillion things we have to fix and improve):

1. Facebook log-in
2. Debit card and credit card payment

Hang in there with us a bit longer!! We WILL FIX THE WEBSITE. Of course along the way, we will still be holding our zip track and party events.


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