2011년 10월 28일 금요일

6/18 Race Your Heart Out(Go kart)

How long has it been since you drove? Actually, have you ever driven in Seoul? Unwind your desires to zoom around the city with this week’s DealKo: for 10,000 KRW, you will get to Go Kart your heart out (a 20,000 KRW/10 minutes value) at Korea Kart in Jamsil.

As one of the leading Go Kart venues in Korea, Korea Kart brings to you full and exclusive access to its Go Kart track for 2 hours, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM, on June 18th, 2011. Since we will have the entire place to ourselves, we can pretty much do whatever we please, ranging from racing to Mario Kart simulation. And of course, since every DealiciousKorea event involves food, we will be offering snacks and beverages (not sure about beer since it may be considered drunk driving). Afterwards, we will have a group dinner for those interested, which I am assuming, will be all of you :).

See you this coming Saturday!
QUOTATION SUMMARY: 50% discount rate

Original value: 20,000 KRW for 10 minutes
DealiciousKorea value: 10,000 KRW, for definitely longer than 10 minutes

Minimum: None
Maximum: 40 purchases

- 50% discount on the BEST Go Kart venue in Seoul

- 2 hours reservation of the ENTIRE TRACK only for the DealiciousKorea crew

- Intense or relaxing racing with your friends

- Picnic foods & beverages

- Group dinner afterwards

- Chance to see Herbie, Nick, Henry, Victoria, and Terri once more

- Deal available from 3PM~5PM, 6/18/2011

- 40 spots maximum

- Limited to 1 per person.

-“Like” us on our fan page (www.facebook.com/dealiciouskorea)

- Click “I’m attending” on our event page

- Wire transfer your 10,000 KRW to:

기업은행 (IBK)
정현진 (딜리셔스)

*Please indicate your full name when you make your transfer*

To be picked up by Herbie and Terri:

**You must arrive at the station by 2:30 PM**

1. Get off at Exit 7 of 종합운동장 (Sports Complex) station, Line 2

2. Find Herbie (refer to pictures on fan page - male, near 6 feet tall, pale, resembles a turtle at times)


Terri (refer to pictures on fan page - female, no where near 6 feet tall, refer to pictures on fan page, refer to picture on fan page, refer..)

--If you have any questions or simply get lost, please call

010-6283-2921 (Herbie)
010-9380-7878 (Terri)

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