Can Kakao Page be the Korean iTunes?
<Image from Hankyung under certain conditions>
On November 20th, 2012, Kakao Company announced to soon release the following services:
- Kakao Page: Contents platform on mobile
- Story Plus: Business account for Kakao Story
- Chatting Plus: Function that allows users to connect to various applications on the KakaoTalk chatting screen
Kakao Page is the world's first mobile contents platform that allows anyone to upload various digital content and market their brand. Through using Kakao Page web editor, one can easily create content, which can be quickly spread through among friends on Kakao Talk. Another unique quality of Kakao Page is the pricing structure. The creator of content is able to charge viewers any price. As Kakao Page becomes a channel for profit, Kakao hopes to see high quality content consistently being created and viewed on Kakao Page.
Story Plus will allow business owners to use Kakao Story without any limitation on the maximum number of friends. Kakao Story is now a representative mobile application in Korea along with Kakao Talk. Through Kakao Story's Story Plus, businesses in Korea will be able to maximize its marketing and promotion efforts with their Kakao friends.
Chatting Plus will allow Kakao Talk users to directly connect to other applications while chatting. What this means is that you can share a variety of content (e.g., maps, games, music, etc.) provided by applications registered on Chatting Plus through your chatting screen. Chatting Plus will enrich both the mobile communication experience by Kakao users as well as application developers.
Of all these three new developments, what draws the most attention is Kakao Page, which is the world's first mobile contents sharing platform. Whether Kakao Page will become the Korean version of the iTunes is a reasonable question to ask.
Of all these three new developments, what draws the most attention is Kakao Page, which is the world's first mobile contents sharing platform. Whether Kakao Page will become the Korean version of the iTunes is a reasonable question to ask.
Status of iTunes in the market
According to a research by NPD Group, Apple's iTunes dominates 64% of the digital music market in the US (2Q, 2012) and 29% of the entire music industry (2Q, 2012). iTunes is also growing influence in the eBook market. iTunes now has more than 30% of market share in the eBook industry and is quickly catching up with Amazon. In the online video market, iTunes has 65% of market share. The dominance of iTunes is only expected to grow as Apple continues to release more iPods, iPads, and iPhones. By the end of 2011, iTunes contributed to 6.3 billion USD or 6% of Apple's total revenue.
Will Kakao Page take over the Korean content market?
So, will Kakao Page become the leader of the contents distribution industry in Korea? For now, the answer seems to be "yes".
1. 62 million Kakao Talk users
Kakao has a lively society in Korea similar to that of iTunes. The difference is that while iTunes primarily markets to about 400 million iOS devices, Kakao will be basing its services towards the 62 million Kakao Talk users.
Kakao Talk's market power has already been proven through Kakao Talk games. Kakao Talk games have recorded significant revenue over the months. On August, the first month of Kakao game's launch, 470 million won of revenue was earned, following 1.4 billion won in September and 4 billion won in October. There are currently 31 games registered on Kakao Talk, and 3 of them (Anipang, Candy Pang, and Dragon Flight) each have more than 10 million users. It only took Anipang 39 days, Candy Pang 28 days, and Dragon Flight 26 days to reach this many users, and their success proved Kakao Talk's competitive strength in the mobile content industry.
No other contents distribution platform in Korea has as many users as Kakao Talk. Just with its high number of users, we can easily predict that Kakao will be a dominant player in Korea's contents distribution industry.
2. Mobile emerging as the major distribution channel for content
Until recently, most content was shared on personal computers. However with the increasing usage of smart phones, we can say that content will now be created, viewed, and shared on mobile. According to IDC, worldwide production of personal computers decreased by 8% compared to 2011. Furthermore, usage of web search decreased by 4% since 2011. From these results, we can conclude that the mobile era has now begun, and personal computers' dominance as a content distribution channel is to end.
Kakao Talk's simplicity and practicality led to its success in the mobile world, and based on Kakao's expertise in mobile optimization, Kakao Page is likely to become a successful mobile platform with global competitiveness.
3. Strength as an open platform
Kakao Page is an open platform that will allow anyone to create, market, and sell digital content. As people continuously create high quality content to market their brand and make profit, Kakao will benefit from having such an active group of users. Such a way of operating the open platform system is similar to the way Google Android was able to quickly catch up to the iOS.
Being an open platform is also consistent to how Kakao has always run its business. Unlike previous Internet portals that created content all on their own, Kakao cooperated with other IT ventures to diversify its services.
It will be exciting to see Kakao Page grow with creative and extensive content developed by various users.
4. Easy to share
Because Kakao Page will be connected to Kakao Talk, sharing content with friends will be easier than ever. Giving and receiving content as gifts is more personal on a mobile environment than on personal computers.
The gift giving platform on Kakao Talk grew by 93 times over the last two years from having 90 gift options to 9,000. How the content platform will grow on Kakao Page will be exciting to watch.
Kakao Page's limitations
However there are some obvious limitations to Kakao Page's growth as a content distribution platform.
Kakao's database is composed of names and the phone numbers of its users. Since its database is not based on users' IDs, there may be certain issues with viewing the purchased content on a non-phone device such as a tablet PC. Users may have to watch lengthy videos or read eBooks on their phones simply because the content is not transferable to other devices. This is a weakness Kakao has compared to Apple's iTunes and Google's Google Play.
Another challenge Kakao Page will face is Apple and Google's In App Purchase (IAP) policy. Apple announced in 2011 that any digital content to be distributed on an iOS application will be paid through Apple's own payment gateway, and the creator of the application will need to pay 30% of the price to Apple as a fee. More recently, Google has also announced a similar IAP policy.
When a content creator uses Kakao Page to upload content, he/she will need to pay a fee to both Kakao and iTunes or Google Play (depending on where you downloaded your Kakao Page from). This may discourage content creators from using Kakao Page especially if they don't find the fees to be "woth it". Kakao therefore is under a heavy pressure to show its users that Kakao Page's services will be worth the cost.
Would you use Kakao Page or its other two projects? Why or why not? Let us know through commenting below!
Kakao's database is composed of names and the phone numbers of its users. Since its database is not based on users' IDs, there may be certain issues with viewing the purchased content on a non-phone device such as a tablet PC. Users may have to watch lengthy videos or read eBooks on their phones simply because the content is not transferable to other devices. This is a weakness Kakao has compared to Apple's iTunes and Google's Google Play.
Another challenge Kakao Page will face is Apple and Google's In App Purchase (IAP) policy. Apple announced in 2011 that any digital content to be distributed on an iOS application will be paid through Apple's own payment gateway, and the creator of the application will need to pay 30% of the price to Apple as a fee. More recently, Google has also announced a similar IAP policy.
When a content creator uses Kakao Page to upload content, he/she will need to pay a fee to both Kakao and iTunes or Google Play (depending on where you downloaded your Kakao Page from). This may discourage content creators from using Kakao Page especially if they don't find the fees to be "woth it". Kakao therefore is under a heavy pressure to show its users that Kakao Page's services will be worth the cost.
Would you use Kakao Page or its other two projects? Why or why not? Let us know through commenting below!
라벨: Apple, Apple iTunes, iTunes, Kakao, Kakao Page, Kakao Platform, Kakao Talk, korea, mobile contents platform, mobile messenger
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assalamualaikum wr.wb,saya ingin mengucapkan banyak terimah kasih kepada AKI JOYO WIJOYO atas bantuan AKI.
kini impian saya selama ini sudah jadi kenyataan dan berkat bantuan AKI JOYO WIJOYO pula yang telah
memberikanangka ritual kepada saya yaitu 4 angka dan alhamdulillah langsung tembus. sekali lagi makasih ya AKI JOYO WIJOYO
karnawaktu itu saya cuma bermodalkan uang 200 ribu dan akhirnya saya menang. Berkat angka GAIB hasil ritual AKI JOYO WIOYO
saya sudah bisa buka usaha yaitu BENKEL MOBIL/MOTOR dan TOKO SEMBAKO kini kehidupan keluarga saya jauh lebih baik
darisebelumnya,bagi anda yg ingin seperti saya silahkan HUB/SMS AKI JOYO WIJOYO di nomor hpnya: 082 322 214 909
dan ramalan AKI memang memiliki ramalan GAIB” yang dijamin tembus
Perkenalkan nama saya zull fikar. Dan saya ingin mengucapkan banyak terimah kasih kepada MBAH JONOSEUH atas bantuannya selama ini dan saya tidak menyanka kalau saya sudah bisa sukses dan ini semua berkat bantuan MBAH JONOSEUH,selama ini, saya yang dulunya bukan siapa-siapa bahkan saya juga selalu dihina orang2 dan alhamdulillah kini sekaran saya sudah punya usaha Restoran sendiri,itu semua atas bantuan beliau.Saya sangat berterimakasih banyak kepada MBAH JONOSEUH atas bantuan nomor togel dan dana ghaibnya, dan saya yang dulunya pakum karna masalah faktor ekonomi dan kini kami sekeluarga sudah sangat serba berkecukupan dan tidak pernah lagi hutang sana sini,,bagi anda yang punya masalah keuangan jadi jangan ragu-ragu untuk menghubungi MBAH JONOSEUH karna beliau akan membantu semua masalah anda dan baru kali ini juga saya mendaptkan para normal yang sangat hebat dan benar-benar terbukti nyata,ini bukan hanya sekedar cerita atau rekayasa tapi inilah kisah nyata yang benar-benar nyata dari saya dan bagi anda yg ingin seperti saya silahkan hubungi MBAH JONOSEU di 0823 4444 5588 dan ingat kesempatan tidak akan datang untuk yang ke 2 kalinya terimah kasih..
Perkenalkan nama saya zull fikar. Dan saya ingin mengucapkan banyak terimah kasih kepada MBAH JONOSEUH atas bantuannya selama ini dan saya tidak menyanka kalau saya sudah bisa sukses dan ini semua berkat bantuan MBAH JONOSEUH,selama ini, saya yang dulunya bukan siapa-siapa bahkan saya juga selalu dihina orang2 dan alhamdulillah kini sekaran saya sudah punya usaha Restoran sendiri,itu semua atas bantuan beliau.Saya sangat berterimakasih banyak kepada MBAH JONOSEUH atas bantuan nomor togel dan dana ghaibnya, dan saya yang dulunya pakum karna masalah faktor ekonomi dan kini kami sekeluarga sudah sangat serba berkecukupan dan tidak pernah lagi hutang sana sini,,bagi anda yang punya masalah keuangan jadi jangan ragu-ragu untuk menghubungi MBAH JONOSEUH karna beliau akan membantu semua masalah anda dan baru kali ini juga saya mendaptkan para normal yang sangat hebat dan benar-benar terbukti nyata,ini bukan hanya sekedar cerita atau rekayasa tapi inilah kisah nyata yang benar-benar nyata dari saya dan bagi anda yg ingin seperti saya silahkan hubungi MBAH JONOSEU di 0823 4444 5588 dan ingat kesempatan tidak akan datang untuk yang ke 2 kalinya terimah kasih..
Ass..saya sangat bersyukur kepada ALLAH karna atas kehendaknya yg telah mempertemukan saya dgn AKI JOYO WIJOYO dan atas bantuan AKI JOYO WIJOYO yg melalui jalan togel ini saya sekaran bisa sukses dan sudah mempunyai usaha sendiri,nomor ritual AKI JOYO WIJOYO meman selalu tepat dan terbukti dan bagi anda yg ingin sukses seperti saya silahkan hubungi AKI JOYO WIJOYO di o823 2221 49o9 saya sih dulunya tidak percaya tp klau dipikir2 tidak ada salahnya juga saya coba mengikuti prediksi AKI JOYO WIJOYO dan ternyata ALHAMDULILLAH berhasil,,!!! silahkan anda juga buktikan sendiri.
Ass..saya sangat bersyukur kepada ALLAH karna atas kehendaknya yg telah mempertemukan saya dgn AKI JOYO WIJOYO dan atas bantuan AKI JOYO WIJOYO yg melalui jalan togel ini saya sekaran bisa sukses dan sudah mempunyai usaha sendiri,nomor ritual AKI JOYO WIJOYO meman selalu tepat dan terbukti dan bagi anda yg ingin sukses seperti saya silahkan hubungi AKI JOYO WIJOYO di o823 2221 49o9 saya sih dulunya tidak percaya tp klau dipikir2 tidak ada salahnya juga saya coba mengikuti prediksi AKI JOYO WIJOYO dan ternyata ALHAMDULILLAH berhasil,,!!! silahkan anda juga buktikan sendiri.
Ass..saya sangat bersyukur kepada ALLAH karna atas kehendaknya yg telah mempertemukan saya dgn AKI JOYO WIJOYO dan atas bantuan AKI JOYO WIJOYO yg melalui jalan togel ini saya sekaran bisa sukses dan sudah mempunyai usaha sendiri,nomor ritual AKI JOYO WIJOYO meman selalu tepat dan terbukti dan bagi anda yg ingin sukses seperti saya silahkan hubungi AKI JOYO WIJOYO di o823 2221 49o9 saya sih dulunya tidak percaya tp klau dipikir2 tidak ada salahnya juga saya coba mengikuti prediksi AKI JOYO WIJOYO dan ternyata ALHAMDULILLAH berhasil,,!!! silahkan anda juga buktikan sendiri.
saya atas nama BPK. SAMSUL dari MADURA ingin mengucapkan banyak kasih kepada MBAH KARYO,kalau bukan karna bantuannya munkin sekaran saya sudah terlantar dan tidak pernaah terpikirkan oleh saya kalau saya sdh bisa sesukses ini dan saya tdk menyanka klau MBAH KARYO bisa sehebat ini menembuskan semua no,,jika anda ingin seperti saya silahkan hubungi MBAH KARYO no ini 082301536999 saya yakin anda tdk akan pernah menyesal klau sudah berhubungan dgn MBAH KARYO dan jgn percaya klau ada yg menggunakan pesan ini klau bukan nama BPK. SAMSUL dan bukan nama MBAH KARYO krna itu cuma palsu.m
Terpaksa sy ucapkn dsni bahwa cita-citaku menjadi TKW yang paling sukses di kampungku sudah tercapai, alhamdulillah.... awalnya aku ikut-ikutan melihat temanku, ternyata setelah kubuktikan hasilnya memang luar biasa ..!!! terima kasih banyak kpd teman aku yg ada di singapura..! berkat postingan dia di halaman facebook TKI Sukses aku baca. Aku bsa kenal nma nya Mbah Suro Guru spiritual PESUGIHAN ANKA GHAIB TOGEL 2D sampai 6D dan PESUGIHAN DANA GHAIB. . pikir-pikir kurang lebih 7 tahun kerja jd Tkw di Taiwan hanya jeritan batin dan tetes air mata ini selalu menharap tp tdk ada hasil sm sekali. Mana lagi dapat majikanku galak, kejam, cerewet, salah sedikit kena marah lagi . Tiap bulan dapat gaji hanya separoh saja . . itu pun tdk cukup biaya anak di kampung. Tp sy beranikan diri tlpon nmr beliau untuk minta bantuan nya. melalui PESUGIHAN DANA GHAIB Nya . syukur Alhamdulillah benar2 terbukti sekarang. terima kasih ya allah atas semua rejeki mu ini. Aku sudah bs pulang ke kmpung halaman buka usha skrg. jk tman minat ingin tlpn beliau . ini nmr nya +62 82354640471 & 082354640471 siapa tau anda bisa di bantu dan cocok sprti aku . aminn
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